Don't settle for what's in your doctor's closet...
We own a 4,000 square foot warehouse full of medical supplies
We own a 4,000 square foot warehouse full of medical supplies

Get fitted properly at Seventh Street Medical Supply
All of our Cam Walkers, have a built-in air bladder which contains air chambers that can be inflated or deflated for a customized fit or to accommodates changes in swelling. The bladder and pump are built right into the liner for easy adjustments on the go -- no pump attachments required! The inflated air bladder gives a massaging effect as patient walks. The soft, breathable liner wicks moisture away from the skin. Also features criss-cross ankle straps for stability and a non-slip rocker bottom. Available in low or high height. Fits right or left.
Completely Covered by Most Major Insurance Companies
Stop by our office today and let our professional staff fit you or your child properly for a Cam Walker, Walking Boot or Ankle Support.
We have hundreds of braces in stock!
Ultra Low Profile Cam Walker | Walking Boot
Don't ever let this happen to your child!

This little 7 year old boy was given an oversized Adult Cam Walker at the doctor's office. I have no doubt that this was the smallest size they had in stock so he "unprofessionally" put it on him, billed the insurance company and sent the family home. If it wasn't for his father sending me this picture, he would have never received the proper size or fitting.
Seventh Street Medical Supply carry all sizes Adult & Pediatric...
Seventh Street Medical Supply carry all sizes Adult & Pediatric...

Anklizer® Pediatric Ankle Walker
- Designed for the treatment of stable fractures and ankle sprains
- Pediatric sizes provide a durable more comfortable alternative to casting
- Lightweight plastic uprights
- Deluxe foam liner can be hand washed
Pediatric sizes come Small thru Large.