Lower Moreland High School Mini-Thon 2019 Raised $160,335.74 for Pediatric Cancer. GREAT JOB BY ALL WHO PARTICIPATED! Special shout out to the following who helped Andy's daughter Remi meet her personal goal!! Gini G's Hair Design Studio, The Green Family, George Kuhn & Family, Stephen Lombardo & Family, Kelly Kolodi & Family, Steve Barron & Family & Matt Sacks.. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATION TO HELP A GREAT CAUSE. #FTK
Andy's daughter Remi is a Captain at this years Lower Moreland High School annual Mini-Thon! All the money raised goes to the children with pediatric cancer. Please donate to Remi's donor drive FTK. Thank you!!!! Here is the direct link https://fourdiamonds.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=194799 or click Remi's picture below.. Seventh Street Medical Supply is once again proud to be GOLD sponsors for this event.
Proud to have been a Gold Sponsor! LMHS Mini-THON partners with Four Diamonds to conquer childhood cancer. Over $150,000.00 raised last night! Great Job to all the kids and staff that participated!!
SPIRIT OF GIVING: Such a great story! Bill Richardson, a Korean War Marine Veteran was in need of a way to get around. Now he’ll have a very Merry Christmas. The Scolnick family and Seventh Street Medical Supply are grateful to be apart of something like this. Lucy Noland FOX 29, your kind heart and the help of others is the reason Bill is where he is today. Thank you for bringing awareness to Bill’s situation and for having compassion towards others. Thank you Lucy Noland FOX 29 & Bruce Gordon FOX 29 for bringing this to our attention. You both ROCK! Andy Scolnick
Bruce Gordon FOX 29 brought me to tears during FOX 29 News this past week-- smack dab in the middle of the newscast. He walked up to the set and showed me a text. The floodgates immediately opened. It showed a man with a smile a mile wide next to one amazing wheelchair-- strike that, one amazing power chair. It read, "Bruce, I got your email. I would be happy to help Bill Richardson with a BRAND NEW GOLDEN LITERIDER ENVY Power Chair made by Golden Technologies made in the USA!"
Blown away.
My favorite Korean War Era Veteran, cat lover extraordinaire, Bill Richardson had one bad fall last month. He was on the floor of his living room for days before anyone found him. He ended up in the hospital for quite some time before heading off to a rehabilitation center.
Well, Bill came home on Tuesday with a walker and a pair of legs that aren't what they used to be from even a few months ago. The two amazing women (Theresa Grabowski and Janet) who care for him day in and day out, just out of sheer love, were very worried that he wouldn't be able to get up off the couch much less walk to the door. Walking out of his apartment complex to his beloved community cat colony was certainly out of the question.
So, what to do? I asked Bruce for help. He shot off that email to the family-run Seventh Street Medical Supply in Feasterville, Pennsylvania. And without hesitation the Scolnick family stepped right up. Big time.
Andy and Nicole Scolnick's daughter watched my story about how you all came together to help Bill when Berlin Township, New Jersey prosecuted him for the "crime" of caring for community cats as his senior living complex evicted him for the same "sin." They, like you, couldn't believe it and their 15 year old daughter made a beautiful framed print of their kitty with the words "Simba loves Bill."
Well, I couldn't love the Scolnick family more. May God bless them and their family run business.
Here's the story Bruce shared last night on the show (shot and edited by the amazing photojournalist Shane McEachern)
Blown away.
My favorite Korean War Era Veteran, cat lover extraordinaire, Bill Richardson had one bad fall last month. He was on the floor of his living room for days before anyone found him. He ended up in the hospital for quite some time before heading off to a rehabilitation center.
Well, Bill came home on Tuesday with a walker and a pair of legs that aren't what they used to be from even a few months ago. The two amazing women (Theresa Grabowski and Janet) who care for him day in and day out, just out of sheer love, were very worried that he wouldn't be able to get up off the couch much less walk to the door. Walking out of his apartment complex to his beloved community cat colony was certainly out of the question.
So, what to do? I asked Bruce for help. He shot off that email to the family-run Seventh Street Medical Supply in Feasterville, Pennsylvania. And without hesitation the Scolnick family stepped right up. Big time.
Andy and Nicole Scolnick's daughter watched my story about how you all came together to help Bill when Berlin Township, New Jersey prosecuted him for the "crime" of caring for community cats as his senior living complex evicted him for the same "sin." They, like you, couldn't believe it and their 15 year old daughter made a beautiful framed print of their kitty with the words "Simba loves Bill."
Well, I couldn't love the Scolnick family more. May God bless them and their family run business.
Here's the story Bruce shared last night on the show (shot and edited by the amazing photojournalist Shane McEachern)
Seventh Street Medical steps up for Korean War Vet.. GREAT ARTICLE ABOUT US IN HME NEWS!
by: Tracy Orzel - THANK YOU!
by: Tracy Orzel - THANK YOU!
Very proud of Remi Scolnick and all her school mates! Nov. 17th, 2017 was the Lower Moreland Mini-THON. They raised over $153,438.42! We were happy to be a sponsor for this event. All proceeds from the Mini-THON benefit the Four Diamonds at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. REMI and her Sophomore dance team were amazing!!!
Very proud of Remi Scolnick and all her school mates! Tonight (Nov. 18th, 2016) is the Lower Moreland Mini-THON. We are happy to be a sponsor for this event. All proceeds from the Mini-THON benefit the Four Diamonds at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. GOOD LUCK & GO REMI!!!
Bernie Parent Stops by Seventh Street Medical Supply to say hello to Andy, Irv and their Staff
Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!
Shout out to our friend Heather L. Pico.... That's the way to pay it forward.... Fox told you about Mike Maurer over the weekend. Mike has no legs. He was devastated when someone stole his wheelchair as he was giving out Halloween Candy!! HEATHER PAYS IT FORWARD... Great Job!!. See here:
Midweek Wire Writes Article on Andy "The Gift of Giving"
Seventh Street Medical Supply Sponsors an event to raise money for The Kisses For Kyle Foundation.. Thank you Danny Briere (Former Philadelphia Flyer) for coming out and hanging with all the kids!
Awesome Event for a Great Cause!
With The Help of Seventh Street Medical Supply, FOX 29 Gets Results For 45-year-old John Allen, whose wheelchair was stolen from him as he sat, resting right next to it.
Click picture below to watch and read story
Click picture below to watch and read story
The crook may still have Allen's old chair, but Allen's got a brand new set of wheels!
With The Help of Seventh Street Medical Supply, FOX 29 Gets Results For 63-year-old heart patient Phyllis Montgomery get her broken elevator fixed so she no longer has to crawl up the stairs of her home.
Click picture below to watch and read story
Click picture below to watch and read story
The $18,000.00 elevator sat broken for over 3 months before Phyllis Montgomery called Fox 29 Gets Results and they called Seventh Street Medical Supply for some advise. "Small world they say" yes it is... Adam's Father works for West Chester based Pincus Elevator Company, and the boss agreed to donate a $1,700 hydraulic pump to get this home elevator back working again.
With The Help of Seventh Street Medical Supply, FOX 29 Gets Results For Man Without Power For His Wheelchair.
Click picture below to watch and read story
Click picture below to watch and read story
Seventy-three-year old stroke victim Carl Ryan sits on the bed in his tiny ground floor apartment, watching the world pass him by because some thief stole his charger
With The Help of Seventh Street Medical Supply, FOX 29 Gets Results for a Philly Man Struggling To Get Replacement Tires For His Wheelchair. Click picture below to watch and read story
Fox 29 is getting results for a Juniata man who's stuck at home while trying to get a replacement tires for the flats on his power wheelchair. Bruce Gordan Calls Andy Scolnick for some advise and help.
With The Help of Seventh Street Medical Supply, Fox 29 Gets Results for a Man that had His Power Chair Stolen.
Click picture below to watch and read story
Click picture below to watch and read story
Ceasar Feliciano's electric wheelchair was safely plugged into it's changing station outside of his Camden home - or so he thought.
Some heartless thieves stole the chair, thus robbing Caesar of his mobility.
In this clip, Fox 29's Bruce Gordon, and Seventh Street Medical Supply, come to the rescue
Some heartless thieves stole the chair, thus robbing Caesar of his mobility.
In this clip, Fox 29's Bruce Gordon, and Seventh Street Medical Supply, come to the rescue
Jewish Exponent calls Andy Scolnick, President of Seventh Street Medical Supply a "Mitzvah Hero".
Click picture below to read story
Click picture below to read story
A Double-Duty Medical Supplier
With The Help of Seventh Street Medical Supply, FOX 29 Gets Results and Helps Out Woman Whose Walker Was Stolen.
Click picture below to watch and read story
Click picture below to watch and read story
FOX 29 gets results for an elderly woman who had her walker stolen in broad daylight. Click here to see the two thieves that stole her walker.
Seventh Street Medical Supply owner Andy Scolnick saw our story and wanted to help. He gave Edith Steele this brand new replacement four-wheel walker.
Wednesday night on FOX 29, Scolnick saw this video of two thieves stealing Edith's walker. The heartless crime tugged at his heart.
Steele offered to repay him, but all he wanted was a kiss and a hug.
Seventh Street Medical Supply owner Andy Scolnick saw our story and wanted to help. He gave Edith Steele this brand new replacement four-wheel walker.
Wednesday night on FOX 29, Scolnick saw this video of two thieves stealing Edith's walker. The heartless crime tugged at his heart.
Steele offered to repay him, but all he wanted was a kiss and a hug.
Acts of Kindness Program at Pine Road Elementary Welcomes Guest Speaker Andy Scolnick

Acts of Kindness Program Welcomes Guest Speaker.
4th grade students in Mrs. Grugan’s class welcomed
Mr. Andy Scolnick as a recent guest speaker. Andy is
the father of a 4th grade student and a local hero.
Andy was featured on our local Fox news for giving a
new wheelchair to a disabled child after the boy’s
wheelchair was stolen. After seeing the news piece
about the stolen wheel chair, Andy knew he could
help and immediately purchased a new wheelchair for
the child. He spoke to our students about seizing the
opportunity to help and left them with the message
that if you have the ability to help someone, you
should! Andy is pictured reading thank you notes
received from the class with his son and dog after his
4th grade students in Mrs. Grugan’s class welcomed
Mr. Andy Scolnick as a recent guest speaker. Andy is
the father of a 4th grade student and a local hero.
Andy was featured on our local Fox news for giving a
new wheelchair to a disabled child after the boy’s
wheelchair was stolen. After seeing the news piece
about the stolen wheel chair, Andy knew he could
help and immediately purchased a new wheelchair for
the child. He spoke to our students about seizing the
opportunity to help and left them with the message
that if you have the ability to help someone, you
should! Andy is pictured reading thank you notes
received from the class with his son and dog after his
With The Help of Seventh Street Medical Supply, Fox 29 Gets Results and Gives Little Dominic a New Wheelchair.
Click picture below to watch and read story
Click picture below to watch and read story
Dominic Pico's wheelchair was stolen, from right outside his south Philadelphia home.
Fox 29 story on TV and online prompted a flood of emailed offers to help from all over the country, and even from troops in Afghanistan.
Fox 29 story on TV and online prompted a flood of emailed offers to help from all over the country, and even from troops in Afghanistan.